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On 17 August 2023, the new Law on Electricity of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entered into force (Official Gazette FBIH, No. 60/23).

According to Article 15 (Types of licenses) paragraph (1) of the Law on Electricity of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina FERK is in charge of licensing for the performance of generation activities.

Pursuant to Article 17 (Exemption from the obligation to obtain licenses):

The power entity is not obliged to have a license to perform the activity of power generation for:

  1. a) power generation in power plants with an installed capacity of up to 1 MW
  2. b) power generation exclusively for own needs without delivery to the distribution network
  3. c) power generation in the new power plants for a maximum of six months from the date of obtaining the permit for the use of the facility


In accordance with the above, the public is informed that FERK, from 18 August 2023, does not issue licenses for the activity of power generation in facilities with an installed capacity of less than 1 MW.


Weighted electricity price:

  • product 1
    Current Tarrif rates for JP EP BiH d.d. Sarajevo
  • Tarifni stavovi za Javno Podizeće "Elektroprivreda hrvatske Zajednice Herceg-Bosne" d.d. Mostar
    Current Tarrif rates for JP "EP HZ HB" d.d. Mostar

Regulatory Commission for Energy in FBiH - FERK
Kneza Domagoja 12 A
BA-88000 Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Telefon: 036 44 99 00
Faks: 036 333-507/508

Bank Account [KM]: 

„UNION BANKA d.d. Sarajevo “