on holding 18th Regular Session of FERK in 2022
Pursuant Article 32, paragraph 1 of Law on Electricity in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, 66/13, 94/15, 54/19 and 1/22), Article 20 of FERK Statute (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, 24/14 and 91/15) and Article 14 and 17 of FERK Rules on Procedure (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, 29/14 and 31/16 and 84/19) FERK will hold its 18th Regular Session in 2022, on Thursday, 22 September 2022, starting at 12:00, in FERK Headquarters in Mostar, Kneza Domagoja 12A.
On the 18th Regular Session the following agenda will be considered:
- Adoption of Minutes from the 17th Regular Session held on 6 September 2022;
- Consideration and decision upon application for Power Generation License of applicant NGP d.o.o. from Mostar;
- Consideration and decision upon application for Power Generation in RES Micro Plants License, of applicants:
- ‘FNE VULKAN’, owner Edvina Redžića from Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje (solar PV plant ‘VULKAN’);
- ‘SSAM plast’ d.o.o. Jelah (solar PV plant ‘SP-1’);
- Consideration and decision upon application for Power Generation License, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicants:
- ‘EKO-S’ d.o.o. Mostar;
- ‘ENERGY SOLUTIONS’, owner Franjo Jurica from Čapljina;
- ‘VAL-BRANA’ d.o.o. Vitez;
- DOO ‘PETROL-P’ Bihać;
- Consideration and decision upon application for Power Generation in RES Micro-plants License, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicant SUMAKS d.o.o. from Tešanj; (solar PV plant ‘SUMAKS ‘);
- Consideration and decision upon application for License for Wholesale Trading of Oil Products except LPG, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicant ‘TIOIL’ d.o.o. Stara Bila
- Consideration and decision upon application for License for Road Transport of Oil Products, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicant ‘TIOIL’ d.o.o. Stara Bila;
- Consideration and conclusion upon correction of Power Generation in RES Micro-plants License No. UP1-06-13-1-78-1/22 dated 9 June 2022 (FOTONAPONSKA ELEKTRANA ,,MARKOVIĆ’, owner Anđelko Marković from Stolac);
- Consideration and decision upon claims on:
- Decision 03-4-221-31611-l/2022 dated 22 June 2022, made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office ‘Elektrodistribucija’ Sarajevo;
- Decision III-2-1-109/22 dated 4 August 2022, made by JP ‘Elektroprivreda HZ HB’ d.d. Mostar Power Distribution Division, Distribution Area 'Centar' Novi Travnik, Branch Office Elektro Novi Travnik;
- Decision 03-4-221-14854-1/2022 dated 28 March 2022, made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office ‘Elektrodistribucija’ Sarajevo;
- Decision 03-5-217-l3812-l/2022 dated 21 June 2022, made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office ‘Elektrodistribucija’ Tuzla.
Mostar, 14 August 2022 FERK PRESIDENT (Acting)
No. 01-02-1-1270-1/22 Sanela Pokrajčić