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on holding 7th Regular Session of FERK in 2024

Pursuant Article 33, paragraph 1 of Law on Energy and Regulation of Energy Activities in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, 60/23), Article 12 of FERK Rules on Procedure (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, 95/23) FERK will hold its 7th Regular Session in 2024, on Wednesday, 27 March 2024, starting at 13 am, in FERK Headquarters in Mostar, Kneza Domagoja 12A.

On the 7th Regular Session, the following agenda will be considered:

  1. Adoption of Minutes from the 6th Regular Session held on 15 March 2024
  2. Consideration and decision on Draft Rulebook on Obtaining Eligible Producer Status, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer;
  3. Consideration and decision on Draft Rulebook on Methodology for Determination of Maximum Value of Guaranteed Purchase Prices, Replacement Market Price and Marginal Values of Fixed Premiums, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer
  4. Consideration and decision on revocation of License for power generation of the licensee TC-LINK d.o.o. Čitluk; (solar PV plant  „TC SOLAR”)
  5. Consideration and conclusion on revocation of License for power generation of the licensee o.o. “SOLAR GOLD” Bihać; (solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD 1”, solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD 2”, solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD 3” and solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD 42”)
  6. Consideration and conclusion on revocation of License for power generation in RES micro-plants of licensee:
    • “SOLAR” owner Isić Mirzeta; (solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD”)
    • o.o. “SOLAR GOLD” Bihać; (solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD A”)
    • o.o. “SOLAR GOLD” Bihać; (solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD B”)
    • o.o. “SOLAR GOLD” Bihać; (solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD C”)
    • o.o. “SOLAR GOLD” Bihać; (solar PV plant “SOLAR GOLD D”)
    • VETERINARSKA STANICA “CONCETRANA VETT” d.o.o. Doboj Istok; (solar PV plant “YAVIN”)
    • Solarna elektrana “EMA”, owner: Jahić Ekrem; (solar PV plant “EMA”)
    • “MB SOLAR”, owner: Mujaković Besim; (solar PV plant “MB 1-23 kW”)
  7. Consideration and decision on revocation of License for power generation in RES micro-plants of licensee:
    • “MARKBENZ”  d.o.o. Stolac; (solar PV plant “MARK BENZ 1”)
    • Proizvodnja električne energije “AIA Solar” owner: Omahić Amar from Tešanj;

(solar PV plant “AIA 1-23”)

  1. Consideration and decision upon proposal of Application for obtaining eligible producer status of applicants:
    • NARIS COLOR d.o.o. Tešanj ; (solar PV plant “NARIS”)
    • “KVESIĆ” owner Mirjana Kvesić from Gornji Vakuf-Uskoplje; (solar PV plant  “KVESIĆ 2”)
    • “GRADNJA 1” d.o.o. Tešanj; (solar PV plant “GRADNJA 1”)
  2. Consideration and conclusion on revocation of Power Supply II Tier License of licensee THE VOLT d.o.o. from  Mostar;
  3. Consideration and decision on proposal of License for Storage of Oil Products except LPG, of applicants:
    • “TRANSPORTBETON” d.o.o. Kiseljak;
    • ArcelorMittal d.o.o. Zenica;
  4. Consideration and decision on proposal of License for LPG Trading, of applicant “HOLDINA” d.o.o. Sarajevo;
  5. Considering and conclusion upon application for issuing License for Wholesale Trading of Oil Products except LPG of applicant BYPASS d.o.o. Kakanj;
  6. Consideration and conclusion on temporary revocation of for License for Wholesale Trading of Oil Products except LPG of licensee “G-TANK” d.o.o. Vitez;
  7. Consideration and conclusion on temporary revocation of for License for Road Transport of Oil Products of licensee “GUDELJ” d.o.o. Vitez;
  8. Consideration and decision on Draft License for Road Transport of Oil Products, of applicant AD-TANK d.o.o. Stolac;
  9. Consideration and decision on determination of percentage of variable part of regulatory fees in 2024;
  10. Consideration and decision on determination of individual amounts of annual regulatory fees for 2024 for licensees performing power activities and paying the variable part
  11. Consideration and decision upon appeals on:
    • Conclusion No. 03-83-1-309-1/2024 dated 5 January 2024 made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo, Branch Office “Elektrodistribucija” Zenica;
    • Decision No. 03-36-7-36132-2/2023 dated 17 November 2023 made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office “Elektrodistribucija” Bihać;
    • Decision No. 03-53-1-44161-1/2023 dated 17 November 2023 made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office “Elektrodistribucija” Sarajevo.
  12. Consideration and decision upon on request for resolution of the dispute against Response No: 04-22-44692-2/2023 dated 13 December, 2023 made by by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office “Elektrodistribucija” Mostar.


Mostar, 19 March 2024                                                       FERK CHAIRMAN (Acting)

No. 01-02-1-387-1/24                                                                         Jasmin Bešo


Weighted electricity price:

  • product 1
    Current Tarrif rates for JP EP BiH d.d. Sarajevo
  • Tarifni stavovi za Javno Podizeće "Elektroprivreda hrvatske Zajednice Herceg-Bosne" d.d. Mostar
    Current Tarrif rates for JP "EP HZ HB" d.d. Mostar

Regulatory Commission for Energy in FBiH - FERK
Kneza Domagoja 12 A
BA-88000 Mostar
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Telefon: 036 44 99 00
Faks: 036 333-507/508

Bank Account [KM]: 

„UNION BANKA d.d. Sarajevo “