on holding 19th Regular Session of FERK in 2021
Pursuant Article 32, paragraph 1 of Law on Electricity in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, 66/13, 94/15 and 54/19), Article 20 of FERK Statute (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, 24/14 and 91/15) and Article 14 and 17 of FERK Rules on Procedure (Official Gazette of the Federation of BiH, 29/14 and 31/16 and 84/19)
FERK will hold its 19th Regular Session in 2021, on Tuesday, 28 September 2021, starting at 13:00, in FERK Headquarters in Mostar, Kneza Domagoja 12A.
On the 19th Regular Session the following agenda will be considered:
- Adoption of Minutes from the 18th Regular Session of FERK held on 10 September 2021;
- Consideration and adoption of Rulebook on Amendments of Rulebook on Methodology to Determine Referent Electricity Price with the Statement of Rational;
- Consideration and adoption of Rulebook on Amendments of Rulebook on Licensing with the Statement of Rational;
- Consideration and adoption of Rulebook on Amendments of Rulebook on Licensing of Oil Sector Activities with the Statement of Rational;
- Consideration and decision on proposal of Power Generation License of applicants:
- ‘INTER’ d.o.o. Tešanj;
- ‘HE GRABLJE’ d.o.o. Busovača;
- ‘ČULE PROMET’ d.o.o. Mostar;
- MARSSEL d.o.o. Mostar;
- Consideration and decision on proposal of Power Generation in RES Micro Plants License of applicants
- ‘EURO MEAT’ d.o.o. Maglaj (solar PV plant „EM 1“);
- ‘NS’ d.o.o. Travnik (solar PV plant ‘NS 1’);
- ‘NS’ d.o.o. Travnik (solar PV plant ‘NS 2’);
- ‘mFNE – Modrič’, owner Franjo Drlja (solar PV plant ‘Modrič’);
- Consideration and conclusion upon application for License for Wholesale of Oil Products except LPG of applicant ‘PROMING’ d.o.o. Bugojno;
- Consideration and decision on proposal of License for Storage of Oil Products except LPG of applicant ‘PAŽIN’ d.o.o. Stolac;
- Consideration and conclusion upon application for License for Road Transport of Oil Products of applicants:
- ‘ZOVKO AUTO’ d.o.o. Žepče;
- ZIBLIN & Co d.o.o. Ljubuški
- Consideration and conclusion on Application for Issuance of Power Generation Licence of applicant TOKIĆ BIG d.o.o. from Usora;
- Consideration and conclusion on Application for Transfer of Power Generation Licence of applicant ‘IN SOLAR’ d.o.o. Čapljina;
- Consideration and decision on draft Power Supply I Tier, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicant JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo;
- Consideration and decision on draft Power Supply II Tier, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicant Winter Wind d.o.o. Tomislavgrad;
- Consideration and decision on draft Power Generation License, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicant TC-LINK d.o.o. Čitluk;
- Consideration and decision on draft Power Generation in RES Micro Plants License, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicants
- SOLAR d.o.o. Posušje (solar PV plant ‘Solar 1’);
- SOLAR d.o.o. Posušje (solar PV plant ‘Solar 2’);
- SOLAR d.o.o. Posušje (solar PV plant ‘Solar 3’);
- SOLAR d.o.o. Posušje (solar PV plant ‘Solar 4’);
- Proizvodnja električne energije ‘EL-HM’, owner: Hatkić Mirsada (solar PV plant ‘HM-1’)
- Consideration and decision on draft License for LPG Trading, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicant ’PROMING’ d.o.o. Bugojno;
- Consideration and decision on draft License for Storage of Oil Products except LPG, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicant ‘HIFA-PETROL’ d.o.o. Sarajevo;
- Consideration and decision on draft License for Road Transport of Oil Products, holding general hearing and nomination of Presiding Officer of applicants:
- ‘ALMY’ d.o.o. Zenica;
- ‘ZLATA-TRANS’ d.o.o. Sarajevo, Semizovac;
- Consideration and decision upon claims on:
- Decision No: 03-6-209-633/2021 dated 12 July 2021 made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office ‘Elektrodistribucija’ Zenica;
- Decision No. 03-4-221-27901/21 dated 31 May 2021 made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office ‘Elektrodistribucija’ Sarajevo;
- Decision No: 03-6-20206-8877/2021 dated 18 May 2021 made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office ‘Elektrodistribucija’ Zenica
- Decision No: 03-5-29-16634/2021 dated 8 July 2021 made by JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. – Sarajevo Branch Office ‘Elektrodistribucija’ Tuzla.
Mostar, 20 September 2021 FERK PRESIDENT
No. 01-02-1-1005-1/21 Jasmin Bešo