Pursuant Article 45, paragraph (4) of General Conditions for Electricity Supply (Official Gazette of the Federation BIH, 89/14, 7/18 and 84/19) unit amounts of connection fees for distribution network should be available to end customers/generators on FERK’s website, DSO’s websites as well as in all DSO customers services offices.
In accordance with above mentioned, FERK publishes that unit amounts of connection fee for distribution network of JP Elektroprivreda BiH d.d. Sarajevo and JP „Elektroprivreda HZHB“ d.d. Mostar are as follows:
- 195 KM/kW for connection on low voltage distribution network,
- 140 KM/kW connection on medium voltage distribution network.
Decisions on unit amounts for connection on distribution network are published in Official Gazette of the Federation BIH 104/14.